"Mark Masons of Hindley Remember"
"The Mark degree was well represented at the Hindley, Remembrance Day Parade with a number of Mark and Craft Masons helping to lay the Mark Poppy Wreath  on the Cenotaph in the grounds of St Peters Church in the Town Centre." Present were Jack Lyon, David Webster, Ken Wilson and Alan Johnston of Red Rose Mark Lodge Lodge; David Baxter (to become a joining Member of Red Rose Lodge later this Month)
" A group of Mark and Craft Masons start to take their place for a parade to the Cenotaph"
Brother Alan Johnston, member of Red Rose Mark Lodge and Acting Provincial Grand Officer
in Craft proudly layed the Wreath on the Cenotaph when called out by the
Colour Sergeant. The picture shows Alan and other members after the ceremony.
The young man in a scout uniform is  Scout Leader and the newest member
of Borsdane Craft Lodge at Hindley, but not yet a Mark Mason.
The Mark wreath takes pride of place on the Cenotaph.
Our official photographer, Bro. Ken Wilson, member of Red Rose Mark Lodge and a Past Provincial Grand Steward in Craft gets his moment in the sun.
The happy band of Brothers then tended fraternal farewells before wending their way home, happy in the knowledge that Mark Masonry and Freemasonry in general had been served well on this special day
Photographs Ken Wilson; Words Ray Pye